Program Contact
Raichle Farrelly
Teaching Associate Professor
The Literacy Practicum (LING 1900) is an outreach program sponsored by the CU Boulder Linguistics Department. We collaborate with community partners to support literacy development among various populations. With our partners Boulder Reads (Boulder Library), Reading Partners Colorado, The Family Learning Center, and University Hill Dual Immersion Elementary School, we support elementary school children learning to read. With our partner the International English Center, we foster literacy and oral language development with adults using English as an additional language in academic and workplace settings. We are also hoping to launch a new partnership this year with the “I Have a Dream” Foundation.
The program matches CU Boulder Literacy Practicum volunteers, or “Buff Buddies,” with literacy and language learners in the Front Range area. Students enrolled in this community-based learning course have the opportunity to earn one extra credit hour when they volunteer as mentors for approximately 1-2 hours per week.
CU Boulder students who participate in the Literacy Practicum discover they can make a profound impact on the lives of readers – of all ages – including those learning English as an additional language. Linguistic research has documented the social, interactional and cognitive advantages of bilingualism, so our approach in the literacy practicum is additive – building on learners existing linguistic repertoire as they develop emerging language and literacy skills. It is widely accepted that proficiency in the English language increases educational, economic, and social opportunities for immigrant and refugee-background populations in the U.S. The collaboration between “Buff Buddies” and learners is mutually beneficial as each develops intercultural competence, interpersonal communication skills, and friendship, with the additional bonus of exchanging language and developing teaching skills.
With this additional credit hour, CU Boulder students engage in praxis – connecting literacy and second language acquisition theories to practice. The opportunity for “Buff Buddies” to connect classroom learning to experiences in the community is a great motivator and an important component of humanizing education. At the same time, literacy and language learners involved in the program gain inspirational access to university students who are committed to community-based learning.
This program is available to undergraduate students from all disciplines across campus. Students may also enroll in the program as many times as they would like.
Reading Buddies at Boulder Public Library
Additional Info
The Reading Buddies program at Boulder Public library pairs Literacy Practicum student volunteers with elementary school "little buddies." Buddy pairs meet at one of three different sites in Boulder once weekly for 1-on-1 sessions to inspire the power and joy of reading and collaborate on a picture book to present at an end-of-semester celebration.
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
Reading Buddies at University Hill Elementary School
Additional Info
The Reading Buddies program at University Hill Elementary School pairs Literacy Practicum student volunteers with 4th and 5th graders in the school's English-Spanish dual immersion education program. Volunteers mentor a young learner for 2 hours weekly after school. They do enrichment activities to warm up, then read together for an hour. At the end of their time together, they work on a book they are writing collaboratively to showcase via digital modalities and on paper.
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
The Family Learning Center
Additional Info
The Family Learning Center's after-school program provides literacy support for elementary and middle-school children from immigrant-background families or economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Literacy Practicum volunteers help children in the after-school program complete homework assignments and other academic activities.
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
The International English Center - Academic English Foccus
Additional Info
The International English Center (IEC) houses CU Boulder's intensive English program. The IEC serves international students from various countries who seek to improve their academic English so that they can enroll in a US-based university. Literacy Practicum students are paired with international students as tutors to support in the development of various aspects of language and literacy including digital literacy, academic oral skills, academic writing, as well as navigating US academic culture.
on campus
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
The International English Center - Employees English Program
Additional Info
The International English Center (IEC) has a special program - the Employees English Program (EEP). Through the EEP, CU adult employees who use English as an additional language take courses to improve their English. Many of the program participants are immigrant and refugee-background adults who have experienced interruptions in their formal schooling experiences. Literacy Practicum students are placed in these classes as teaching assistants. Many of these classes are multi-level, so there is great need for in-class assistants. CU students support the classroom teacher by providing direct support to individuals in class through modeling, one-on-one dialogues, use of learners' home languages for instruction, and more.
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
Reading Partners Colorado
Additional Info
Reading Partners Colorado pairs community volunteers with children to help them master basic reading skills. Literacy Practicum students have the opportunity to provide one-on-one tutoring that empowers students to succeed while simultaneously recognizing the difference their service makes in our community. Reading Partners Colorado serves a range of learners in the Denver Metro area, which expands opportunities to serve beyond the Boulder area.
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
No charge to attend/participate in activity or program
Sponsoring Units
College of Arts & Sciences
- Department of Linguistics
Program Partners
- Boulder Reads (Boulder Library)
- Reading Partners Colorado
- The Family Learning Center
- University Hill Bilingual Elementary School
- The International English Center (CU Boulder)
Audiences Served
- Adult Learners
- Children & Youth (outside school)
- Historically Excluded/Marginalized/Non-dominant Group(s)
- Immigrant Individuals/Communities
- International
- Non-Profit Organization
- People Of Color
- People Who Identify As Women, Girls, and/or Females
- Refugee Individuals/Communities
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
- Students - Early Learning
- Students - Elementary School
- Students - English Language Learners (ELL)/Emergent Bilingual
- Students - Middle School
- Teachers - Elementary School
- Teacher - English Language Development (ELD)
- Youth Placed At Risk