Start off the new year by joining the Office for Public and Community-Engaged Scholarship (PACES) for the inaugural meeting of our monthly reading group.
Connect with colleagues for an in-person kick-off with food, drink and good company.
Our first article will be “Re(building) Trust with Indigenous Communities: Reflections From Cultural Brokers” (Riley & Kaneakua), from The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE), Special Issue – Volume 28, Number 3, 2024. We will discuss how boundary spanner identity and intersectionality impact research collaborations with community partners. Our own Associate Director Jeanne McDonald was among the guest editors for this special edition of JHEOE.
Subsequent readings related to the themes of boundary spanning, reciprocity and mutual benefit—key concepts in community-engaged scholarship—will be selected by group members.
We’ll meet from noon to 1 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month.
Please respond before Jan. 23.
Sign up or let us know you’re interested in hearing about future dates.