Students create voter awareness video for native tribe

Law students and law professor Carla Fredericks created a voter awareness video for southern Colorado tribe

Law students and law professor Carla Fredericks created a voter awareness video for southern Colorado tribe

November 4, 2016

When Colorado began mail-in voting in 2013, the goal was to expand access to the ballot and make voting easier and more convenient for Coloradans. In some locations, like the Ute Mountain Ute reservation in southern Colorado, it also meant the only community polling place closed.

Concerned how this might impact voter turnout on the reservation in the upcoming election, tribal members partnered with CU Boulder law professor Carla Fredericks and law students to create a 15-minute webinar that describes the new mail-in voting process.

“This was a very valuable project for the community, but importantly, the students were able to gain valuable skills in communicating and collaborating with the tribe to build a tool that would best meet their needs as a community and empower their membership,” said Fredericks, who directs the CU Boulder American Indian Law Clinic. “In the end, that’s a lot of what practicing Indian law is about.”

Read the full story in CU Boulder Today