Program Contact
Gregor MacGregor
Interim ENRP Specialization Lead
The Acequia Assistance Project is a joint effort by Colorado Law’s Getches-Wilkinson Center, Colorado Open Lands, and the Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association to provide low or no-cost legal assistance and educational materials to Colorado’s acequia communities.
What is an Acequia?
The word acequia means “water bearer” in Arabic. An acequia is both a physical irrigation system (a ditch) and a philosophical approach to water management. In Colorado, acequias exist in Costilla, Conejos, Huerfano and Las Animas counties. Acequia communities believe that water is essential to life so they treat it as a communal resource. This approach shapes how communities interact with natural environments in the Southern Colorado watersheds, thus creating resilient natural and cultural systems.
In the western United States water is scarce, so we often equate it with wealth. In acequia communities, however, small scale farmers see water management as both a means to support their families and a powerful way to participate in community. Irrigators work together to meet each landowner’s water needs. In times of water scarcity, they cooperate to equitably distribute water. If that is not physically possible, they share fields. While they are treated like any other water rights in Colorado, acequias’ governance structures make them unique.
Our Work
As water becomes more scarce, acequias offer a powerful model of alternative water administration and use. To maintain their viability, the acequia community must first address some key challenges. For example, acequias have operated informally for generations thus many remain unincorporated and without bylaws.
With the guidance of faculty and numerous pro bono lawyers, University of Colorado Boulder law students help address these challenges by (1) drafting by-laws and governance documents, and (2) representing acequias and irrigators in water rights cases. Students have also drafted a Handbook for Colorado Acequias and participated in the annual Congreso de Acequias, which is held in San Luis, Colorado.
Available Publications
Colorado Acequia Handbook 3rd Edition
The Hallett Decress and Acequia Water Rights Administration on Rio Culebra in Colorado
Introduction to Water Resource Issues in Div 3.
Division 3 – Alamosa Rio Grande Basin
Amended Costilla Creek Compact Article
Student Deputy Directors:
Class of 2022: Johnsie Wilkinson (Johnsie.Wilkinson@colorado.edu) and Will Raley (William.Raley@colorado.edu)
Class of 2023: Cameron Abatti (Cameron Abatti@colorado.edu) and Grace Jimenez (Grace.Jimenez@colorado.edu)
Class of 2024: Mary Slosson (Mary.Slosson@colorado.edu) and Kasey Moraveck (Kasey.Moraveck@colorado.edu)
Acequia Assistance Project
Additional Info
The Acequia Assistance Project is currently spread across 3 separate locations based around Colorado Acequias. CU Boulder law and MENV students provide communities in these locations with legal support concerning water rights and help create bylaws to reinforce and protect these communities' rights to their water. Other projects include community-driven scholarship, doing title research, and representing acequias in water court.
Location 1
in colorado
San Luis
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
Location 2
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
Location 3
in colorado
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Not Applicable
Sponsoring Units
School of Law
- Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and Environment
Program Partners
- Colorado Open Lands
- Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association
- The Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
- Valeria Gates Foundation
- Peter Nichols and Megan Gutwein (Berg, Hill, Greenleaf, & Ruscitti, LLP)
- Bill Paddock (Carlson, Hammond and Paddock, LLP)
- Kelcey Nichols (Wood Nichols, LLC)
- Allan Beezley and Marie Vicek (Beezley PC)
- Sarah Pizzo, Esq.
- Will Davidson (Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison & Woodruff)
- Scott Holwick (Lyons Gaddis)
- Julia Guarino (Four Corner Environmental and Economic Justice)
- Gunnar Paulsen and Cassidy Woodard (Porzak, Browning & Bushong)
Audiences Served
- Government
- Historically Excluded/Marginalized/Non-dominant Group(s)
- Native American/American Indian
- Non-Profit Organization
- Rural Communities
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged