Program Contact
CSF Education and Outreach
The Colorado Shakespeare Festival (CSF) in the Schools troupe tours schools throughout the school year, generally in the fall and early spring. Past productions have included Twelfth Night, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Errors, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet. All performances conclude with classroom workshops about violence prevention.
In 2024-25, the Shakespeare & Violence Prevention program will be:
Twelfth Night: grades 3-5
Much Ado About Nothing: grades 6-12
The Colorado Shakespeare Festival is proud to partner with the CU Boulder Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence and the Department of Theatre and Dance, and is grateful for generous funding from the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement. Professional actors perform an abridged (30-45 minute) play in your school, immediately followed by classroom workshops that focus on violence prevention. CSF actors guide workshop participants through hands-on activities that encourage students to be upstanders. The workshops and study guides incorporate the latest research on effective anti-bullying practices from the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. This CSF in the Schools program uses Shakespeare as a tool for understanding an issue that is relevant to students of all ages.
The program includes:
- Study guide
- Abridged performance onsite at your school
- Brief post-show talk-back with actors (including an overview of Safe2Tell)
- Classroom workshops related to violence prevention (max of 30 students per workshop.)
Ways to book the CSF in the Schools tour
- Visit our website to determine which package best suits your school.
- Use this form to submit a request.
- Email or call 303-735-1181 with the following information:
- Requested tour date
- Specify number of students you’d like to include in the program
- School name and location
Shakespeare & Violence Prevention
Additional Info
We will have ongoing visits throughout the 2024-25 school year.
in colorado
9/24/2024 - 4/23/2025
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
Sponsoring Units
College of Arts & Sciences
- Colorado Shakespeare Festival
- Department of Theatre and Dance
Research Centers
- Center for the Study & Prevention of Violence (CSPV)
Program Partners
- Boulder Arts Commission
- Safe2Tell
Audiences Served
- Rural Communities
- Students - Elementary School
- Students - English Language Learners (ELL)/Emergent Bilingual
- Students - Homeschooled
- Students - High School
- Students - Middle School
- Teachers - Elementary School
- Teachers - Middle School
- Teachers - High School
- Youth Placed At Risk