Program Contact
Science Discovery
CU Science Discovery is a science education outreach program of the University of Colorado Boulder’s Division of Continuing Education. Founded in 1983 to heighten young students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), Science Discovery coordinates an array of programs that connect K-12 students and teachers to current CU Boulder science.
Each program engages CU Boulder scientific expertise, equipment, resources and graduate or undergraduate students to provide K-12 students and teachers with unique, hands-on science experiences. All programs are designed to be highly interactive and relevant, and engage students in the scientific process while connecting them to the science and technology present in their everyday lives. Through in-person, hands-on summer and school year programs, teacher workshops, school presentations and community outreach events, Science Discovery impacts approximately 30,000 students, teachers and community members throughout Colorado communities and nationwide each year.
Science Discovery’s K-12 summer and school-year programs offer small class sizes (maximum ratio 8:1); enthusiastic and knowledgeable teachers (often graduate students with teaching experience); access to university and community resources; and a variety of laboratory and field experiences. Programs are held in-person at CU Boulder and CU Anschutz. They include:
- Afterschool Classes and Clubs
- BVSD Day-Off and Holiday Classes
- Homeschool Classes
- Summer Camps and High School Classes
Science Discovery’s School and Teacher Programs provide K-12 teachers, schools and districts with curricula, materials and resources to enrich STEM learning in a variety of models. Ranging from standards-based hour-long classroom presentations using cutting-edge science, equipment and pedagogy to create unforgettable learning experiences to a professional development model featuring daylong, activity-based science programs for teams composed of a teacher and five students, Science Discovery programs provide both teachers and students with a unique educational opportunity. They include:
- Hour-Long Classroom Presentations
- Full-Day STEM Workshops
- Campus-Based STEM Workshops
- Teacher Professional Development
Science Discovery’s Teen Science Café offers teens an opportunity to meet and interact with local scientists in a fun and informal setting. The Teen Science Café meets monthly at the Lafayette Public Library. Café topics span a wide range of STEM fields – from ecology and engineering to biomedical and astrophysics! Topics and presenters are identified by Café Coordinators, who help guide the program and run Café events.
Learn more about Science Discovery programs and current offerings.
K-12 In-Person, Campus-Based Programs (School Year and Summer)
Additional Info
K-12 in-person, campus-based programs include after school clubs and classes, homeschool classes, and BVSD day-off and holiday classes. Summer programs include half and full-day camps for K-8 students and week-long classes for high school students.
on campus
Public or Private
Public Program (open to the public)
Program Fee
Colorado Statewide School and Teacher Programs for K-12 Audiences
Additional Info
CU Science Discovery’s School and Teacher Programs include classroom presentations, full-day STEM Workshops, and teacher professional development opportunities. All programs are highly customizable and are able to reach the far corners of the state.
in colorado
Public or Private
Public Program (open to the public)
Program Fee
Sponsoring Units
Division of Continuing Education
- Science Discovery
Program Partners
- Adams 12 Five Star Schools
- Agent Sheets, Inc.
- ATLAS Institute
- Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory (CZO)
- Boulder Valley School District
- Casey Middle School
- Centennial BOCES
- Chautauqua Park
- Colorado Department of Education
- Community Resources, Inc.
- CU Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
- CU Anschutz Medical Campus
- CU Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry
- CU Department of Physics/CU Wizards
- CU Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO)
- CU Elementary Arts Lab
- CU Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
- CU Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA)
- CU Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
- CU Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
- CU Mountain Research Station
- CU Museum of Natural History
- CU School of Education
- CU School of Engineering
- CU Teach
- Denver Public Schools
- East Central BOCES
- EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum
- Family Resource Schools - City of Boulder
- Fiske Planetarium and Science Center
- Fort Lewis College
- Monte Vista Middle School
- National Science Foundation
- Nature Kids/Las Jóvenes de la Naturaleza (NKJN)
- Northeast Colorado BOCES
- Northglenn High School
- Partnerships for Informal Science Education in the Community (PISEC)
- SciGirls
- Sommers-Bausch Observatory
- STEM Launch K-8
- STROBE Project
Audiences Served
- Children & Youth (outside school)
- Families
- General Public
- Historically Excluded/Marginalized/Non-dominant Group(s)
- Indigenous Populations
- Non-Profit Organization
- People Of Color
- People Who Identify As Women, Girls, and/or Females
- Rural Communities
- Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
- Students - Early Learning
- Students - Elementary School
- Students - Homeschooled
- Students - High School
- Students - Middle School
- Teachers - Elementary School
- Teachers - Middle School
- Teachers - High School
- Urban Communities
- Aerospace Engineering
- Air and Water Quality
- Applied Mathematics
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Climate Change/Global Warming
- Biological Sciences
- Energy
- Architectural Engineering
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Ecosystems
- Ecology
- Biological Engineering
- Technology
- Mathematics & Statistics
- K-12 Education
- Educational Research and Resources
- Environmental Science
- Chemical Engineering
- Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
- Pre-K/Early Learning Education
- Engineering
- Sustainability
- Environment and Sustainability
- Computer Science
- Physics
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Education
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences
Program Types:
- After School Activity/Instruction
- Citizen Science
- Classroom Instruction
- Community Event
- Field Trip
- Lesson Plans/Teaching Resources
- Online Resources
- Professional Development - Teacher
- Public Lecture/Demonstration
- Summer Camp - Elementary School Students
- Summer Camp - Middle School Students
- Summer Camp - High School Students
- Summer Program - General Public
- Summer Program for K-12 (Not Camp)
- Volunteer Services
- Workshop