Program Contact
Shelly Miller
CU scientists are partnering with EcoArts Connections (EAC) to collaborate on the community-based project “Vecinos (Neighbors),” which seeks to address environmental injustice issues of air and water quality in mobile home/manufactured housing communities (MHCs). Vecinos’ mission is to inspire action on environmental justice issues through the arts. Vecinos will be based at San Lazaro (SL) MHC, with air quality measurements and water quality education from the surrounding “neighborhood.” Vecinos, in combination with an Artivismo (art and activism) summer camp, brings together CU faculty and students with community members including San Lazaro MHC residents of all ages, artists, city and county officials, policymakers and others in a series of activities to increase experiences and understanding about the lack of healthy air and water quality unfairly experienced by underserved immigrant (mostly Latinx) people living at or below the poverty line.
Air Quality Monitoring
Additional Info
October 2024: Recruit community members to participate in air quality monitoring, which will include a monitor in their home, and a personal exposure monitor that they carry with them at all times. Kim Abeles, artist, visits mobile home community and works with community to make smog art. November 2024: Install monitors in the home, and also in the community to measure outdoor air quality. Train participants on how to use the monitors and what they will learn from the monitors. November 2024 - June 2025: Weekly check-ins will take place for the participants to ask questions and provide support. Data will be collected weekly from the monitors and data analysis will be ongoing.
in colorado
10/1/2024 - 6/30/2025
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
No charge to attend/participate in activity or program
Artivismo youth summer camp
Additional Info
January 2025: Develop the Artivismo curriculum to the demographics and needs of the San Lazaro community. Promote the Artivismo summer camp. March 2025: Incorporate air/water quality measurement data into the Artivismo curriculum and design summer camp activities. Begin recruitment. May 2025: Finalize the Artivismo curriculum and location. KA visits and incorporates the community-created smog collector images in the camp. Jun 2025: Implement the Artivismo summer camp with approximately 20 San Lazaro youth (ages middle to high school). Hold a culminating showcase open to the public. Kim Abeles, artist, visits Artivismo classes.
in colorado
1/1/2025 - 6/30/2025
Public or Private
Private Program (by request only or for a specific audience or group)
Program Fee
No charge to attend/participate in activity or program
Project Exhibit
Additional Info
Hold a culminating showcase open to the public during September-October 2025 at CU Boulder’s Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Community.
on campus
9/1/2025 - 10/31/2025
Public or Private
Public Program (open to the public)
Program Fee
No charge to attend/participate in activity or program
Sponsoring Units
College of Engineering & Applied Science
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
Program Partners
- EcoArts Connection
- Kim Abeles (artist)
- School of Education, CU Boulder
- College of Engineering and Applied Science, CU Boulder
Audiences Served
- Adult Learners
- Children & Youth (outside school)
- Families
- Immigrant Individuals/Communities
- Manufactured Homes/ Mobile Home Communities
- Non-Profit Organization
- People Of Color
- Students - High School
- Students - Middle School