Program Contact
Aislyn Keyes
Graduate Student
These online active learning games are free learning modules being developed to focus on the complex interconnections between humans and the environment.
Socio-environmental systems are made up of many complex components that interact across different scales — from global climate systems to local transportation. Society relies on these interacting and interdependent components to provide us with resources and services. However, systems thinking is not adequately integrated into curriculum, and many students are not exposed to this style of thinking.
With this in mind, we created a web-based, interactive game and case study on complex ecological systems, co-developed with teachers. It focuses on food webs, which describe who eats who in an ecosystem, and ecosystem services, which are nature’s contributions to people. The case study uses Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, California, USA to teach complex concepts about food webs and ecosystem services using data that is used by scientists and managers. Visit food-web-game.com to play the game and access case study materials for your class.
Food web game
Additional Info
Coastal ecosystems are full of diverse, marine life, and provide a wide range of benefits to people, known as ecosystem services. Unfortunately, coastal ecosystems and the services they provide are threatened. Conservation aims to protect these species and maintain ecosystem services, but resources are limited. In this game, you will choose which species to protect and simulate disturbances.
Online Resource
Sponsoring Units
College of Arts & Sciences
- Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Program Partners
- Adam Cohen-Leadholm at Global Citizenship Experience Lab School
- Stephanie McCarthy at Westminster High School
- Meghan Mosher at Monarch High School
Audiences Served
- Children & Youth (outside school)
- General Public
- Students - Homeschooled
- Students - High School
- Students - Middle School
- Teachers - Middle School
- Teachers - High School